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【要旨のみ日本語翻訳版】OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2024...
WEF Reports: Net-Zero Industry Tracker 2024...
UNEP. press release: Plastic pollution negotiations adjourn with new text and a follow-up session planned ...
SYKE. Monitoring Study Completed: Restoration Brings Peatland Vegetation Closer to Pristine State ...
NSF. News: Researchers call for sustainable governance as groundwater resources become scarce ...
UNFCCC. News: COP29 UN Climate Conference Agrees to Triple Finance to Developing Countries, Protecting Lives and Livelihoods ...
DCCEEW. News and media: India-Australia Renewable Energy Partnership launched...
WRI. News: STATEMENT: More than 30 Countries Commit to Tackle Methane from Organic Waste ...
EA. Press release: Native crayfish rescues take place in Northumberland...
BMUV. Press Releases: Minister Lemke: "German government sends a strong market signal to boost renewable energy in transport" ...
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